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1 Church

Multiple Gatherings

Registration opens Wednesday December 9, at 9:00am  

Sunday December 13

We are renting a number of locations so we can gather together in groups of 50 people or less. Our Online Service will still be available at 9:00am. We are making detailed plans to follow social distancing and sanitizing guidelines at each location. There will be important guidelines for you to follow as well, please read all the information below. You MUST register to attend.

Register Below 

Convid Gathering Icon with colour.png

Room seating

will be reduced

for spacing.

All high-touch surfaces

will be sanitized before

and after the service.

Everyone is asked

to reserve

seats online.

There will be no beverages

or food served and no

water fountain available.

Hand sanitizer stations

will be available

throughout the facility.

An offering box will

be available at

each service.

Hope Kids will not be running.

Families are encouraged

to worship together.

Face masks are welcomed,

but only required

at certain locations.

Please do not attend

if you have symptoms

of Covid or are sick.

Please observe

social distancing

of 2m.

Please refrain from


and hugging.

By reserving a spot for a service this weekend, I affirm the following for me and, if applicable my household:
  • I am not currently sick, nor am I displaying flu-like symptoms (that are unrelated to pre-existing conditions) which may include fever, cough, difficulty breathing, and/or a temperature of 100.4˚ or higher, nor have I had prolonged exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
  • I understand that activities involved in gathering for worship carry health-related risks that can be minimized but not eliminated.
  • I understand that if I am at a higher risk for severe illness due to age or underlying health conditions, I should seriously consider worship from home.
  • I will show love to my neighbour by taking appropriate personal precautions, exercising discretion in how I interact with others, and honouring the ushering and hospitality instructions.
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Oyama Community Hall

15710 Oyama Rd, Oyama

9:00am & 11:00am

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Lakeview Heights Community Hall

 860 Anders Rd, West Kelowna


*Face masks required at this location as per City of West Kelowna Policy.*

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German Canadian Harmony Club

1696 Cary Rd, Kelowna

9:00am & 11:00am

Registration opens Wednesday December 9 at 9:00am 

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